Food for Life classes teach how to improve your health with a plant-based diet. These classes are great for anyone seeking to begin or up your game to eating the plant-forward way. I will show you how just how easy and delicious cooking plant-based at home can be!

Helping people regain their health through food. As a Food for Life Instructor by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), I am certified to teach nutritional cooking curriculums.
Registration is closed for the next Free Food for Life: Foods for a Healthy Heart Cooking Class
is being held on Sunday, February 11th, 2:00 PM CST/3:00 PM EST.
Join the waitlist for the next one now!
Food for Life class material developed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), is an award-winning nutrition education and cooking class program that provides an innovative approach to diet-related chronic diseases.
Since 2001, Food for Life has been a pioneer in delivering hands-on information about the direct role of plant-based nutrition in health and disease prevention to communities around the world. Designed by physicians, nurses, and registered dietitians, Food for Life promotes healthful eating based on the latest scientific research.
I am currently offering the following classes:
✔️ Foods for a Healthy Heart
✔️ Cooking to Combat Flu Season
✔️ The Power of Food for Health on a Limited Budget
✔️ Employee Wellness
Join a wait list today to be notified of upcoming classes.
If you do not see a class that fits your needs listed above, please contact me and we’ll customize one that will.
Foods for a Healthy Heart
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. Research, however, shows a plant-based diet does not just prevent heart disease, but it can manage and sometimes even reverse it. In this stand-alone class learn about the key role of healthful eating habits and other lifestyle factors in heart health.
Featured Class Topics
- What High Blood Pressure Is
- High Cholesterol and Where it Comes From
- Slowing, and Even Reserving, Atherosclerosis
- How Inflammation Affects the Body
Cooking to Combat Flu Season
Early in the pandemic, research found that people catching the coronavirus were much more likely to succumb to it if they had an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, obesity, or hypertension. However, the role of a plant-based diet in preventing and reversing these underlying conditions was largely absent from virus mitigation discussions. Food for Life Cooking to Combat COVID-19 delivers important nutrition information for optimal health to people who need it most during the pandemic and beyond.
This is a 4-part series taken from other FFL classes deemed the most relevant to the COVID-19 crisis. Each class is presented as a two-hour class that features a video, discussion, and the opportunity to watch a cooking demonstration and, if in-person, taste plant-based dishes following a cooking demonstration.
Class 1: Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Immune-Boosting Foods
Class 2: Foods for a Healthy Heart
Class 3: Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes
Class 4: Foods and Mood
The Power of Food for Health on a Limited Budget
Find out about the economic value and health benefits of plant-based foods. Attendees discover the relationship between diet and disease, get tips on planning a budget-friendly weekly or monthly menu, and enjoy cooking demonstrations that do not require costly cooking gadgets or equipment.
Featured Class Topics
- The Power Plate
- How Foods Fight Diabetes
- Foods for a Healthy Weight
- How Foods Fight Heart Disease
- Grocery Store Tour (Supplemental Class)
Employee Wellness
This is by far my favorite class to teach! We connect over food. A wellness cooking class as a team building event creates a unique opportunity for teams to relate on a personal level. Food always brings up memories, and once shared allows team members to have a better understanding of each other which forms deeper relationships.
This Employee Wellness Program consists of the same elements proven to be successful in the Physicians Committees Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) study, which found that companies that offer employees a low-fat, plant-based diet in the office can help workers lose weight and improve diabetes.
Learn more about how Employee Wellness can be combined with Team Building activities in a wellness cooking class to provide the nutrition knowledge and connections.
The program offers:
— Weekly sessions for workers, consisting of nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, food samples, and supportive group discussions
— Support for the employer’s food service provider to incorporate healthful food options into the menu
— Guidance on healthful dining out choices, if there is no employer food service provider
Featured Class Topics
- Power on Your Plate
- Let’s Go!
- Getting in Gear
- Breaking the Food Seduction
- Keys for Natural Appetite Control
- Digestive Health
- Introduction to How Food Fight Cancer
- Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes
- Healthy Blood Pressure