Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich

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Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich Photo by Donna Spencer

A Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich made with whole food plant-based ingredients is a vibrant and satisfying twist on a classic favorite.

There is a lot going on with sandwich and it starts with a base of freshly baked focaccia bread, this sandwich is packed with an array of colorful grilled vegetables.

Post Date: May 07, 2024
Posted by: Donna Spencer

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There is a lot going on with this sandwich and it starts with a base of freshly baked focaccia bread. This sandwich is packed with an array of colorful grilled vegetables. Thinly sliced zucchini, red onions, and eggplant are grilled to bring out their sweetness and add a smoky flavor. Once grilled to perfection, these vegetables are layered generously onto the focaccia bread, creating a vibrant layering of colors and textures.

Ditch the mayo for a creamy spread made from silken tofu mixed with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, and a pinch of salt. This spread, slathered onto the bread, adds a richness and tanginess.

For an extra burst of freshness, slices of juicy tomato are added to the sandwich, providing a refreshing contrast to the smoky grilled vegetables. Adding a flavorful herb-infused vinaigrette enhances their natural sweetness and adds a depth of flavor.

The Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich is then gently pressed together and lightly toasted to meld all the flavors together and achieve a warm, crunchy exterior. With each bite, you’ll experience a symphony of flavors and textures, from the tender grilled vegetables to the creamy tofu spread, all nestled within the hearty embrace of freshly baked focaccia bread.

This Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich is not only delicious and satisfying but also nourishing, providing a wholesome meal that celebrates the abundance of plant-based ingredients in a delightful and flavorful way. It is one way to eat the rainbow!

Grocery List


red onion
heirloom tomatoes (yellow, red, and purple)
basil leaves


firm tofu
lemons juice
nutritional yeast
apple cider vinegar
yellow or white miso
red wine vinegar
onion powder


black salt
white pepper

Add-Ins and Substitutions

If eggplant is not your thing, you can replace with asparagus, bell peppers, or Portobello mushrooms. Relace the vinaigrette for any berry or other flavored balsamic vinegar.


Store grilled ingredients separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When ready to assemble prior to serving, pat vegetables dry.

Nutrition 411

Eggplant provides a good amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals in few calories. They are high in anthocyanins, a pigment with antioxidant properties that can protect against cellular damage. Some studies have found that eggplants may improve heart function and reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, though research is needed.  Their high fiber content and polyphenols may help reduce blood sugar levels. Lastly, eggplants contain solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides, which test-tube studies indicate may aid in cancer treatment.

Zucchini is rich in several vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds. It also contains small amounts of iron, calcium, zinc, and several other B vitamins. In particular, its ample vitamin A content may support your vision and immune system. Raw zucchini offers a similar nutrition profile as cooked zucchini, but with less vitamin A and more vitamin C, a nutrient which tends to be reduced by cooking. Zucchini boasts several antioxidants that may provide various health benefits. The highest levels are found in the fruit’s skin. It is rich in water and fiber, two compounds which can promote healthy digestion by reducing your risk of constipation and symptoms of various gut disorders. (trusted source).

Onions are a highly nutritious vegetable that have several benefits, including improved heart health, better blood sugar regulation, and increased bone density. Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a process that may lead to cellular damage and contribute to diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Not only are onions are an excellent source of antioxidants and probiotics, they contain at least 17 types of flavonoids.

Tofu is made from condensed soy milk in a process similar to cheese making. It’s often made from GMO soybeans, so if you are worried about GMOs, organic tofu is your best option. It is low in calories but high in protein and fat. It also contains many important vitamins and minerals, including calcium and manganese. All soy foods, including tofu, contain isoflavones, which are believed to be the main cause of tofu’s health benefits. It may improve several markers of heart health. Still, more studies are needed. Adding tofu to your diet may also help reduce your risk of certain cancers, help protect against diabetes, improve bone mineral density and brain function, and reduce symptoms of menopause and depression. Note that further studies are necessary for the many claims of its benefits. (Trusted source.)

Grilled Vegetable Focaccia Sandwich

Donna Spencer
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Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Appetizer, Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 servings


  • Outdoor Grill or Cast Iron Grill Pan
  • Sheet pan with parchment paper or baking stone


  • 2 large red bell peppers seeded and quartered
  • 1 large red onion peeled and cut into quarters through the root
  • 1 pound zucchini about 2 medium, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch thick rectangles
  • 2 small eggplants preferably graffiti or Japanese, about 12 ounces total, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch thick rectangles
  • 2 ounces portobello mushrooms stems and gills removed, and halved if large lengthwise, not sliced
  • 4 ounces tomatoes on the vine if possible, sliced thinly
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt and pepper


  • Heat the grill to medium-high, direct heat. Heat an outdoor grill for medium-high, direct heat. Scrape the grill grates clean if needed.
  • Prepare the vegetables. If you haven't already, trim and cut the vegetables while the grill heats. Coat the vegetables on both sides with the cooking spray or vegetable broth and season with salt.
  • Grill the vegetables. Grill he vegetables in a single layer, starting with the heartier peppers and onions going down first (or in the hottest area if you’re grill has hot spots),followed by the eggplant, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, and then quick cooking asparagus, and tomatoes. Cover and grill without distributing for 3 to 4minutes on the first side, then flip and continue to grill for the following total cook times (the number below includes the 3 to 4 minutes on the first side):
    o  8 to 10 minutes for bell peppers and onions
    o  7 to 8 minutes for yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms
    o  4 to 6 minutes for asparagus, green onions, and tomatoes on the vine
  • Remove the vegetables to a platter. Remove the grilled vegetables to a platter lined with paper towels to catch excess liquid accumulated from standing.


The Best Way to Serve Grilled Vegetables
Grilled vegetables need little more than a sprinkle of salt, a drizzle of olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon right after they come off the grill. If you’re so inclined, this recipe also includes an herby dressing, but you can easily swap it for your favorite pesto or chimichurri instead. Or, add a creamy dipping sauce and you’re set.
Leftover grilled vegetables can be chopped and tossed into pasta salads, added to a bowl of hummus or cooked grains for a quick dinner, or served as toppings for an at-home pizza night. Whatever your summer brings, here’s hoping it includes a lot more grilled vegetables.
Cook without disturbing for three to four minutes on the first side to get some grill marks, then continue to cook for the following total cook times (the number below includes the three to four minutes on the first side):
  • Bell peppers and onions: Eight to 10 minutes
  • Yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms: Seven to eight minutes
  • Asparagus, green onions, and tomatoes on the vine: Four to six minutes
Storage: Leftovers can be refrigerated in an airtight container up to 4 days.
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